
Roderick Robinson

It’s 1990, not a vintage year if you make things for a living. Andrew Hatch had status and a salary as a traditional production manager. Now, in Damon Runyon’s words, he does the best he can. Clare Kepler, a high-flyer in the cleaner world of systems and electronics, seems insulated from the labour market but she too faces unexpected change. Work makes us what we are. Being out of work is often a visit to the abyss. Gorgon Times tours both states.

Read the first chapter

RODERICK ROBINSON was born in the West Riding. Left school at fifteen to join a local newspaper as a tea-boy. Repaired radio equipment during RAF national service.Worked randomly on consumer and industrial magazines in London followed by more of the same in Pennsylvania (both ends). Edited a logistics magazine in London. Lives in Herefordshire. Married, two daughters.

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ISBN: 978-1-84327-941-9

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